Library Use Value Calculator

Please enter the number of times per month you use each library service.
CountLibrary ServiceRetail Value
Average monthly tax payer contribution* for library service is:
For every dollar in taxes invested, you receive:
of value in return** every month on average.
*Average monthly tax payer contributions are based on figures using the Formula:
(Total Local Operating Revenue/Service Population)/12

**Average monthly return on investment is calculated using the formula:
(Retail Value of your Monthly Library Usage)/(Average monthly tax payer contribution)

Library service retail values, javascript and html code borrowed from the Maine State Library's Library Use Value Calculator and from the Library Research Service's Individual Return on Investment Calculator. For more information, see the Maine State Library's explanation regarding the estimated values and the Library Research Service's shared code which was customized to create the calculator on this page.

Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.