Calling All Friends

The Sprague Public Library is a facility that provides necessary services for the community. It is a place to conduct research, receive official forms, communicate with friends and family. Patrons have the opportunity to be educated with up-to-date resources and to check out books to entertain their families.

Friends of the Library, is an entity in which board members promote the Library services. And in return, communicate the needs and wants of the public to the Library. Friends of the Library focuses public attention on the library's services and facilities. They are advocates of the library and promote goodwill and support. They stimulate increased usage of library resources and services, and thus help to enrich the lives of the local community.

As with all small towns, the absence of adequate funding is always felt. With technology, computers and software will always need to be updated. Friends of the library should provide sponsorship and help with special projects. They should have fundraisers that secure materials that are beyond the ordinary library budget. They encourage donations and endowments to the library. Thus, Friends of the Library is a strong advocate for the public library throughout the community.

Made possible with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services through the Washington State Library, Office of the Secretary of State.